Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Reader Meet Author

I started off the year freshly separated from my wife of 6 or so years.
Then I got hit by a truck. How awesome is that?
This is the stuff NY Times best sellers are made of.

WYSIWYG wasn't WYSIWYG enough - so I'm writing here for now (and probably for good.) Maybe one day I'll get motivated enough to actually learn Komposer and do something at, but Blogger is just too damn simple and meets my needs just fine for now.

I decided to move from my previous blog because it was kinda specific in title and, well, this one is easy to remember. With this new blog anything could happen. As my name might suggest, I could be related* to that homophobic preacher in Kansas (also see this - oh, brother Fred, will you ever learn?), the olympic athlete or even that guy from Mission Impossible. You just never know what direction I'm headed in, what homosexual's funeral I might picket (I'm holding out for Bea Arthur) or when I'll get hit by another truck (then Bea can picket my funeral.)

So welcome and thanks for stopping by. I'll make a sincere effort to make your time here enjoyable, but I can't guarantee it.

*For the record, I am not related to any of those people, especially that dick in Kansas. I am but a simple Phelps starting anew in Portland, OR.

1 comment:

Pidgen said...

Nice picture. Looks like you're thinking, they better not stick me with any more needles LOL