Wednesday, August 13, 2008

In The Future When All's Well

Last night I headed to another MIPL event, No Smokey Karaoke. It wasn't as bad as I feared it might be and I didn't have to sing, so that was a relief. I really only went to see James, who I haven't seen in a while and Rachel was also there, so that was nice because I hadn't seen her in a while either. James and Rachel were a couple for a very short while, but no longer. They remain friends, which is good. They are both really nice vegan folk.

This morning I went to see a new hand surgeon about my hand. My hope was to just ask a few questions about why it still hurts and if I'll regain anymore movement or grip strength and get a letter from him for my litigation stating how much disability I now have in that hand as a result of the accident. Unfortunately, the surgeon was a little nuts. Scratch that, a lot nuts. The first 5-10 minutes consisted of him berating me about coming to see him. How dare I? After a while, he calmed down, but was still all over the place. He insisted that he'd have to talk to my attorney and told me that when they called, they'd have to hold on the phone until he got to them, because he wasn't going to call them back if they left a message. Douche. I was warned about this guy before I went, but he was much worse than the warnings I got. I also waited over a month to get in to see him. Why? Hopefully when my attorney calls they can get it ironed out and we can proceed, but I have serious doubts.

My tech tip of the day is to start using a RSS reader. What is a RSS reader you ask? See this for a techie explanation. Here's a layman's explanation - it's a program you download (for free) like NetNewsWire, which is what I use on my Mac - the Windows equivalent is FeedDemon. After you download and install it, visit a website you frequent, like (which is one of my favorites), look for the little RSS feed icon and click on it. Your RSS reader will now ask if you want to add it to your list of feeds, click yes. Here's what it does, several times a day it updates your 'feeds' from the site. What you have is essentially all the information you used to have to visit a bunch of different sites to see, all in one place. Trust me on this, it rocks. Give it a try and if you do, let me know what you think.

Here's an awesome wallpaper for you to try out:

I can't believe there are many people out there who haven't see this, but just in case. The video is from this past June in Alaska and is of two twin baby moose and their mom playing in a backyard sprinkler. The music is kind of cheesy, but the clip is precious. Yeah, I said precious.

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