Saturday, August 9, 2008

Life Is A Pigsty

Well, I don't know about life, but my apartment sure as hell is, and today I have to clean it. Although admittedly, I am not looking forward to it. I cleaned out my storage unit last weekend and moved what I just couldn't throw away or donate into my 600 sq ft apartment with predicted results. I managed to carve out a path to get to the bathroom, TV, desk, bed and kitchen, but it's a narrow path with lots of things to step over and around. The cats are enjoying it because it's like a little obstacle course with lots of hiding places.

My plans with Dani for the weekend fell through, so in looking for something to do, I found the Providence Bridge Pedal. There are three routes that take you over 6, 8 or 11 bridges, each route gradually longer than the last. The 11 bridge route is 37 miles and since I am a major badass (see Holy God and related posts) of course I'm doing the 37 mile route. I'm sure it will be a laid back ride. Hell, the biggest concern I have at the moment is getting up at 4:45 a.m. to ride downtown for the start at 6.

The Twilight Criterium race last night was pretty awesome. The course was short and the riders were hauling ass - most laps registering at 30 mph. With that kind of speed, accidents in corners were inevitable and boy did they happen - single rider accidents and multiple rider accidents, where one rider would come unglued in a corner and slide like a bowling ball into several competitors. It was ugly and scary. Below are a few pictures I took, but you'll notice they all look like ghosts because they are moving so damn fast and my iPhone isn't exactly a digital SLR.

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