Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Trying to make her as comfortable as possible in my tiny laundry room.

I'm working late tonight trapping some feral cats that are around my building. I started last night and was surprised to find more than I had initially suspected - there are at least 6 and I had only seen 3-4. Looks like a mama, daddy and 4 kittens around the age of 12-14 weeks I'd guess. There's also a really sweet long-haired gray cat as well who won't stop following me and eating the canned food I put out to draw the ferals over. Tonight the gray cat tripped one of the traps, so hopefully I've seen the last of her - at least while I'm trapping.

Unfortunately, Portland is really no better than any other part of the country and there are limited resources to pay for the spays and neuters these cats are about to undergo. Connie, my co-worker, has been a real help in finding resources. It's still going to cost us around $30 per cat for the surgeries.

The kitten I trapped last night was of course terrified. She was however, very gentle and didn't take the many opportunities I gave her to tear me a new one, so I have hope that we can work with her and the rest of the kittens to make them adoptable. We are in the process of moving the office here to a much larger space, so we should be able to keep them there while we work on them - which is good because I really got an awakening last night as to just how small my apartment is in trying to keep this one kitten sequestered from my cats. Lot to love about my apartment, but size aint one of those things.

Hopefully I can fill the 3 traps I've got set and get these cats in to surgery tomorrow. And hopefully I won't be up to 3 a.m. making that happen.

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