Monday, October 20, 2008

The Donkey

My father, who was more of a Democrat that he would like to admit, used to say that my grandfather's side of the family was so strongly Democrat they'd vote for the donkey if he/she ran.

They do things a little differently here in Oregon than in Virginia. Here in Oregon, they mail you a ballot (mine arrived Friday) and a Voter's Pamphlet and you essentially vote from the privacy of your home. You then either mail back the ballot or drop it off. Pretty quick and easy and there's a paper trail, so it's tougher for Carl Rove and his cronies to tamper with. Not that I have to be concerned with that here in my blue state. I mailed mine off today, so I'm all done. It's up to the rest of you people to do the right thing now. (And by 'right thing' I of course mean vote for Obama - don't fuck this up!)

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