Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spaghetti with Tater Tots and a Momma Dog

We've eaten Mexican food for dinner the last couple of nights in Grenada and since we were in Winona tonight we stopped by the Pizza Inn for a little Italian fare. Yum, yum. Obviously there wasn't any pizza that didn't have cheese or squirrel on it, but they did have a marinara sauce for pasta and tater tots. So that's what I had, spaghetti and tater tots. It was like I was 9 again.

We picked up a momma dog today running up a highway. We ran her in to the vet to see if he thought she was still nursing - unfortunately he thought she was, so we grabbed some dog treats and ran her back to where we grabbed her to hopefully try and follow her back to the puppies. With me on foot and Doll following a few hundred feet back in the pick-up, we set out. At first it went pretty slow - momma dog just sat there looking at me wondering why I smelled like bacon and if I was gonna share that bacon with her. Then for no real reason, she set off with me following as close as my out of shape legs would allow me to follow. Through a couple of barbed wire fences, a flooded field, then back out onto another road, I followed her for about two miles. The whole way along she was checking the garbage at the side of the road for food and looking back at me to make sure I was still in to, then she just stopped and didn't seem to want to go in any one direction. It was at that point we decided to take her back to the sanctuary for some food and we'd try again later.

Tonight we set back out with her to see if she was now more desperate to get to her pups. Same routine as earlier, me on foot and Doll in the truck, we followed her for about a half mile. Then she ran up to a house and sat on the porch. I went up and knocked on the door. This guy came to the door and said that she was his dog. We asked where she slept, if she had a dog house and he said that she didn't, she just slept where ever. He confirmed she had puppies, but he didn't know where they were. He seemed pretty annoyed actually that we had taken interest in her. So we left her to his 'care' since there was nothing we could really do.

It was really sad driving away from her standing there in the driveway with nowhere to go since her 'guardian' had now closed the door and returned to his warm couch.

1 comment:

Pidgen said...

What a jackass! People who can't properly take care of their animal friends shouldn't be allowed to have them! It always pissed me off when I'd see a hunting dog running down the highway. We had a few come into our yard and I'd feed them and take care of them in my outdoor playhouse. Then Daddy would figure out what I was doing and make me call the number on their tag. They treat them terrible. Barely giving them anything to eat so they'll hunt better. I would always give the "owners" evil looks when they came to pick them up and proudly announced that I had fattened them up. We had one that had puppies somewhere and we followed her ("Stormy Weather" since we found her in the rain) to see if she'd lead us to her puppies. Unfortunately she didn't but the next day she left and I guess went back to them without us.