Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jet Plane

I haven't updated here in about a month, so I'm not even sure anyone will read this, but I figured I'd make the effort to try to get back into the writing mood. I can't say there hasn't been anything going on, there has, I've just been too lazy and unmotivated to write about it. So here's a synopsis of my last month.

Tomorrow I leave for two weeks for IDA's animal sanctuary, Project Hope, in rural Mississippi. When I offered to go over a month ago, I felt like the day to actually leave would never come - now that day is tomorrow. I'm not thrilled about the trip. I'm happy to go and help, especially over Christmas, but Mississippi sucks and the prospect of spending two weeks there seems like a death sentence.

The four kittens I trapped at my apartment building are all being fostered at an IDA vounteer's house. I went and visited them yesterday and they're coming along, but still skittish (and downright terrified at times.) The foster parent, Eileen, is a former vet tech, so she knows a thing or two about handling animals and she's doing a fantastic job. She has an appointment to take the kittens (cats now, really) to Oregon Humane on the 26th of this month. After seeing the cats yesterday, I have serious doubts about their ability to make it in a loud, strange animal shelter environment. They are all so sweet, I want them to make it and get a good home. We'll monitor their progress at OHS and if they aren't doing well, we'll pull them out.

For Thanksgiving we had a huge potluck at the new IDA office. We guessed there were probably 50 people that showed up. It was a huge success and provided a lot of folks who didn't have somewhere to go (like yours truly) with a place. We also had a huge turnout for Fur Free Friday. There were at least 150 people who came out.

I'm now working out of the new office space. I miss my cats during the day, but it's nice to have all of my work stuff out of my tiny apartment and be in a larger space where I can spread out. I've only been working from the office for a week and biked in one day - it's a long ride in, like 7 miles with lots of hills, but I'm going to try to ride in a few times per week.

There've been other things, but that's all I have time for right now. I'm headed off to a puppy mill protest at Scamp's Pet Store downtown. Next time I write will be from Mississippi - assuming I have time to write. Bye for now.

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