Monday, September 1, 2008

Bonnie, Beer for Soda, Vegan Pesto and other Musings

The weather has been really nice, so I've been leaving open the sliding glass door so the cats can enjoy the balcony. They really like going out and on the few occasions it's gotten too chilly to keep it open, Pants walks the apartment crying about not being able to go outside. Unfortunately, Bonnie has gotten so used to it being open that on 3 different occasions she has run full speed and slammed into the closed door face first. It makes a loud, hollow sound, not unlike that of a cat hitting a glass door at full gallop. In an effort to try and reduce the number of collisions, I've posted the sign above on the door to let her know when it's closed. So far it seems to be working.

I pretty much gave up drinking diet colas for the month of July in hopes of being able to beat my 3-5 can a day habit. The good news, I've pretty much done it. The bad news is, now I'm drinking a lot more beer. Is that bad?

Today at New Seasons, I spent $180 on groceries. That's a new high and one I hope never to eclipse. I was shocked and a little sad when I saw the total. On my list was to try and get something for some noodles I bought like a month ago. In the refrigerated section I thought pesto might be nice, but of course pesto has cheese in it. Well, not in Portland, at least not all the pesto in Portland. There on the shelf was a pesto labeled as Vegan Pesto. I couldn't believe it. I bought it and tried it for dinner and it aint bad. Unfortunately, it aint cheap either.

I had a really boring three day weekend. I really didn't do much of anything. Yesterday I poured through looking for new music and shows coming to Portland. I'm a huge Neko Case fan and never really paid much attention to her work with the New Pornographers, but that all changed yesterday. They're really good. Below is a video from their latest album.

I'm also very into Taken by Trees and their video is also below. Enjoy.

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