Friday, February 13, 2009

The Mother of all Updates

So I haven't much felt like writing lately - and by lately, I mean the last four months. Unfortunately, there's been a ton of crap going on, so I'm going to attempt to update you here in no particular order. Ready?

I swapped my iPhone for a Blackberry Bold about a month ago. I loved the iPhone, but really missed having a full qwerty keyboard and missed having a Blackberry in general. I was able to sell the iPhone for just about what the Bold cost me, so no harm there. Unfortunately, this morning while brushing my teeth I heard a loud plop sound in the kitchen. I thought nothing of it and jumped in the shower. When I got out of the shower I went to investigate just what exactly Pants had knocked off the kitchen counter this time and found my shiny new Blackberry Bold lying face down in the water bowl. Yeah, completely submerged. To my amazement, it was still on, but there were a few very ominous signs. I dried it out as best I could and placed it in front of the heater to hopefully continue to dry out for the rest of the day. I won't truly know the full extent of the damage until I get back home tonight, but it doesn't look good.

Last weekend we had what was supposed to be a peaceful protest at a local mall that houses a notoriously bad pet store called Scamps. My co-worker, Matt, and I were to accompany the "Radical Cheerleaders". They were going to do a few "cheers" in front of Scamps and when we were asked by security to leave, we'd do so. Well, things didn't exactly go as planned.

Read more here.

I saw this great idea for turning an old iMac into a cat bed and thought I'd give it a shot. Turns out it works great! Here's a short clip of Bonnie sleeping in her new "iBed" and Pants wishing he had one.

There's more, but this is all I have time for at the moment. I'll type more later - like over the weekend, not May.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


He has mixed feelings about his bed, but he's cute as shit when he's in it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow in PDX

Snow for the second time this week. This one made for a long and slippery commute.